I like music that I can dance to 听说课_中公网校

I like music that I can dance to 听说课


——人教版初三全一册Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.


教师在课堂教学中起着重要的引导作用,有些时候,学生并不能完全自觉、自发地进行产出,他们对于语言知识的掌握、语言技能的利用、情感的把握都离不开教师在教学中有意无意地渗透和引导。因此在课堂中,教师的示范有利于针对性地指导学生练习、综合地运用语言。本文以人教版初三全一册Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.听说课教学为例进行教学设计,该教学设计旨在通过教师示范,引导重难点内容,使得学生有“范”可循。

Teaching Objectives:

Knowledge objective:

Students can learn how to express their preferences with attributive clause.

Ability objective:

Students can talk about their preference for music with attributive clause correctly.

Students can get main and detail information through listening.

Emotional objectives:

Students can cultivate good habit in their daily life.

Students can learn to enjoy and appreciate different kinds of music.

Teaching key points and difficult points:

Key point:

Students can express their preference for music with attributive clause correctly.

Difficult Point:

Students can form a good habit of appreciating music.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

Greet students and play a guessing game. Play music of different kinds, such as pop music, jazz, DJ, classic music. Ask students to guess the name of the music and the type it belongs to.

(Justification: A guessing game can inspire students to relate their knowledge to the lesson and attract their attention. Meanwhile, students can try to recall as many words or expressions as possible.)

Step 2 Pre-listening

Daily talk. Ask students questions: What music do you usually listen to? What kind of music do you like? What kind of music do you prefer? Why? The teacher will have a demonstration.

T: I usually listen to Yesterday once more and Jasmine. Sometimes I will listen to All the Way. They are classic music and Jazz. But I prefer music because it has soft lyrics. So I prefer music that has soft lyrics....

(Justification: These three questions can lead students to think about their hobbies deeper. The teacher sets an good example for students so that they can get to know how to express preferences and give reasons. )

Step 3 While-listening

1. Extensive listening

Listen to the tape in 1a. Ask them questions:

(1) How many people are there talking?

(2) What are they talking about?

(Justification: After this step, students can focus on the general information in the listening material and finally conclude the main topic of it.)

2. Intensive listening

1) Listen to the tape for the second time. Finish 1b.

2) Listen to the tape for the third time. Ask students to read after the tape and pay attention to the stress, pronunciation, intonation.

(Justification: Through detail listening, students can get to deal with detail information in the listening material. At the same time, their speaking ability can be improved after the tape.)

Step 4 Post-listening

1) Show students picture in 1a. Ask students to describe what people’s preferences are in the picture. The teacher will give a demonstration.

T: Tony prefers music that he can dance to.

2) Pair work. Ask students to make conversation using the information in 1a. Then talk about their own preference for music.

3) Ask students to talk about their preferences for others, such as movies and books.

(Justification: In this step, students can use what they learned in the previous steps. A picture can be a help for students to observe and output. Conversation making about their city enables students to transfer what they have learned. Meanwhile their speaking ability can be improved. Teacher’s demonstration can give students guidance to use main grammar point.)

Step 5 Summary and homework

Summary: Ask students to write down the sentences mentioned in this lesson and read individually.

Homework: Do a survey about preferences of people around them.

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